Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Media frenzy
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A sequel to delayed action bomb
Monday, September 1, 2008
Delayed -action bomb
were well taught. All true education is a delayed-action bomb
assembled in the classroom for explosion at a later date. An
educational fuse of 50 years long is by no means unusual."
This quote by Kenneth D. Gangel set me thinking. I'm trying to relate it to events unfolding around us - especially those that undermine, destabilize and are detrimental to our secular fabric - whether they occur in Jammu & Kashmir or in Orissa. Human life seems to have no value to us - the fact that someone belongs to a certain community, religion, region, language group determines their position, status and even security in a country like ours is distressing. How 'religious' are we when we kill because someone has chosen a different way to experience the divine or when that way is not the same that we have chosen to tread upon. Are we not merely 'in religion' and not really religious when such horrendous acts are committed? Why can't we exercise restraint even when religious passions are aroused in us? Are we caught up in fundamentalism so much so that we do not know the difference between being religious and being fanatical. It is time educational institutions played a vital role in strengthening India's secular tag. Even if it were to be a delayed-action bomb we need such bombs that will bring us together, closer to one another than those that will kill us with hatred.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
examination woes!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Relevance of Hierarchy!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Banana republic!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
We Know it All
Context determines our actions, our behaviour, our language - everything that we say and do. Ironically, not many of us attach importance to this, particularly the young. An attitude almost bordering on arrogance ( they call it confidence) is most commonly exhibited by our youngsters which often results in complex /complicated situations they create for themselves. Worse, instead of attempting to wriggle out of those situations they generally aggravate them by their insensitive/ insensible words and actions. Why is it so? Why is this 'I-know-it-all' attitude? Why do we feign omniscience? Is it because the situation demands? Or may be because we live in a consumerist world today where marketing and selling yourself matters so much that you constantly have to wear the garb /mask of a 'super genius', 'a walking encyclopaedia', 'a living god'. I sometimes wonder whether to laugh or to cry when children as young as eighteen years speak of their understanding of the world in absolute terms - it certainly is a cause for concern. Sadly, the ability to be receptive to other perspectives/ possibilities is blatantly lacking. It is always "I do this, i do that, i have read this, i have read that- and therefore i know better". Life would be so simple, so peaceful if only understanding or enlightenment can happen after reading a couple of books, or for that matter doing some research on some specific area for only two years. I feel we all have become so engrossed in this rat race that each one wants to compete and excel in the 'art' of exhibitionism. Everywhere we go we carry huge placards boldly proclaiming our so called expertise, interests, knowledge areas and what not! Unfortunately that has not helped us to even understand / distinguish between situations, act maturely, act differntly in different situations. On the one hand we continue to claim knowledge, on the other our actions betray us and reveal our ignorance.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Regional vs National.
A few things continue to intrigue (may be read as irritate) me. Till today i can't figure out the media's notion of what the regional and national is. While reporting the 54 National Film Awards winners atleast one TV news channel screamed 'The Regional becomes the National". What did they really mean by that God only knows.
In India, very often the term 'Indian cinema' is used, especially by the media to refer to Hindi cinema. Utterly foolish! Logically and ideally all films made in India, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari whether from the north, south, east or west of the country should come under 'Indian cinema'. On what basis do we make the distinction between the national and the regional? Is it distinction or discrimination? In today's context is there any thing that could be considered purely 'regional' or for that matter 'national'? Ironically there is also that subtle and invisible note of condescension or inferiority attached to the term regional when used alongside national. Isn't it time remedial actions are seriosly thought of? Of course some popular film actors have raised such concerns already. But despite their best efforts to set right this wrong nothing much has happened. Perhaps the media must come forward to effect this change - they must change their mindest first - instead of blindly following practices of the past, learn to report with a critical, realistic eye / perspective of the changing Present .
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Who is responsible?
Why are we trying to blame only the government for any tragedy? In this case the mother, who conveniently shifts the responsibility taking refuge in the so called warmth and cordiality of the Goans is equally to be blamed. No sensible person would trust a stranger with their daughter on a beach in the dead of night no matter what your faith in humanity is. After having risked your ward's life by your own foolishness how could you squarely blame the government for ineffiency?
What is happening to our own sense of responsibilty? To think the government or the police would protect every single individual in the country 24X7 is nothing short of stupidity. Is such a thing really possible? Are we not supposed to help ourselves by taking precautions and acting sensibly? We don't leave our house doors open thinking the police is there to protect us. The same logic should apply when we are outdoors too - basic precautions must be taken. In this case all of us are to be blamed - first the mother, then the child, then the accused and then the police, the govt. machinery and the people or the society at large- in the same order.
Another Tragedy!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
No Value for human life?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Bloodless encounter
I was getting ready for my drama class. From across the table, Macbeth was staring at me. The task for the day was clearly cut out. I must communicate to a bunch of seventeen year olds forcefully and sensibly Macbeth’s depression, dejection and frustration just before his tragic death. In short, I must make them understand what life is. It seemed quite formidable and daunting. I was uncertain whether those who were kids only yesterday could comprehend what life is and the full import of Macbeth’s deep angst. Quite abruptly my reverie was cut short. Looking up I saw someone standing at the door, beaming with a smile.
“May I come in, sir?” For a moment I couldn’t trust my own ears. I thought I had misheard. He repeated the request, this time louder.
“Oh, yes, Please come in and have a seat.” I said feeling rather elated by his politeness. At a time when polite students are a rarity I didn’t want to let go of this encounter. He walked in casually and by the time he had parked his load on the chair I knew I had invited trouble.
“Sir, do you remember me?” he started. There was that ‘how can you NOT remember me’ tone in his voice. And yes, I remembered him, quite well too. Not that he was a prodigy or anything. But his ingenious ways for disrupting classes was an open secret.
“Of course I do,” I said hiding my discomfort. Then, nonchalantly I said, “So, how are you, young man?’
“How do you expect me to be?” he snapped. I wasn’t surprised at his retort. In fact, I knew he had the potential for deeper incisions. Light dawned on me- he had come with a purpose.
“Oh, come on man,” I said struggling hard to conceal my awkwardness. “I’m not omniscient. You must tell me.”
“Better than you, much better, you know.” It was clear he hadn’t forgotten those unpleasant ‘out-standing’ experiences at college.
“Oh, really!” I managed to mumble. “Good for you man.” By now I was thoroughly feeling embarrassed. I had offered him a seat and there he was glued to the chair determined to avenge me. I knew I had no escape. I let him run on.
“Mr……….,” he began. The transition from sir to Mr, I think was quite intentional. “I just joined this multinational company and do you know what my pay package is like? 30K.How’s that for a ‘useless guy’? In five years I’ll cross the 50k mark. Have you ever imagined where you will be after five years?”
Actually, I had imagined that many times over the years and I knew where exactly I would be. Couldn’t tell him, though.
“Anyways, thanks Mr………….” I was relieved my ordeal was coming to an end. “Thanks for teaching me what life is.” With a mischievous grin on his face he walked out, triumphantly. Shakespeare, from the table was still staring at me.
“Life is a tale/Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Are we tolerant?
Well, the savage instinct is in all of us, the instinct to survive, to harm, to injure and to kill. But where is the redeeming feature that is also there in us - the ability to restrain. Where has thou gone restraint, the much needed redeemer, the only balm to all our instincts of savagery.
At times i wonder if we are willingly going barbaric so much so that it seems fashionable today. All the TV Channels continue to beam such gory incidents in the name of news and in the process perhaps augment their ratings also. What about the damage that such telecasts have on impressionable minds? A speeding car driver attempting to kill an engineer on duty in broad daylight was horrible. The mob venting its fury on an accused in Bihar was even more horrible.
Where has the spirit of tolerance gone? Where are those finer sensibilities that we associate with human beings? What has changed us so much - that we have become so horribly barbaric? Who's got the answers?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Is Conformism really a sin?
Now why did i want to blog? Is it because my colleagues are at it? Or because the whole world is hooked to it? I'm not sure. But i know one thing for sure. This is a wonderful, faster, swifter medium to get across ideas, to get to know a lot of people, interact, discuss anything and everything and in the process learn a lot more about life and discover your own self.
I have decided to take the plunge. With the support of the sea of humanity all around me i'm sure i'll be able to swim through.
Welcome aboard.