Sunday, March 16, 2008

Who is responsible?

Just finished watching the Big Fight on NDTV on Scarlet murder that is rocking Goa. There were Scores of people on the sandy beach waxing eloquently on the character of the deceased and the poor parenting of Fiona the mother and the failure of the government. The debate had some intellectual hues to it as well: many talking about subcultures and subtexts in the ongoing war between the insider and the outsider with Fiona categorically stating that the cameras wouldn't be there but for the outsiders. It was passing the buck game all the way that was played so boringly to a national audience.

Why are we trying to blame only the government for any tragedy? In this case the mother, who conveniently shifts the responsibility taking refuge in the so called warmth and cordiality of the Goans is equally to be blamed. No sensible person would trust a stranger with their daughter on a beach in the dead of night no matter what your faith in humanity is. After having risked your ward's life by your own foolishness how could you squarely blame the government for ineffiency?

What is happening to our own sense of responsibilty? To think the government or the police would protect every single individual in the country 24X7 is nothing short of stupidity. Is such a thing really possible? Are we not supposed to help ourselves by taking precautions and acting sensibly? We don't leave our house doors open thinking the police is there to protect us. The same logic should apply when we are outdoors too - basic precautions must be taken. In this case all of us are to be blamed - first the mother, then the child, then the accused and then the police, the govt. machinery and the people or the society at large- in the same order.


  1. saw the debate on We the People, where Barkha as usual hogs the limelight. Scarlet's rape and murder is not just another statistics. unfortunately the debate always blames the victim- in this case the mother- for the crime. in society we trust other people. thousands of parents send their daughters to schools and colleges putting trust in the management and teachers. is that trust unjustified? the criminals have to be punished for a crime and the victims should not be victimized twice, especially by racking up the past. everyone of us is doomed if we let criminals get away with murder.

  2. you are right naresh, we can't let criminals go scot free. At the same time as responsible parents we also must take precautions, right? We all send our children to school, colleges and we trust teachers. That trust lasts only till things go fine. Will we continue to feel safe when they fail to return home on time? Will we send them to any place late in the night without any protection or leave them in the night under the custody of some stranger? All i'm saying is instead of relying on police all the time for protection can't we too take some basic precautions to help ourselves?
