Saturday, March 24, 2012

Back in Action!!

My last post was exactly a year ago...many things have happened in between, good and bad -it depends on how one perceives it i suppose. Like this friend of mine who visited my home recently and commented on a picture of a woman with tears in her eyes as not suitable for a living room while the same picture from another person received positive feedback as being aesthetically appealing. Well, meanings are in people as the cliche goes.

The events of the last few months have taught me many things that i hadn't learnt in the past several decades. It is quite amazing at times, you know how reality strikes you in a second...and the entire worldview changes. I'm learning to take things as they come and approach life with more positive thoughts. I'm also grateful to my friends, colleagues who supported me through the ordeal. I may not have thanked each one of them individually but here's an opportunity to do that, through this medium..A BIG THANK all of you. Of course that includes my family and my wife in particular...Thank you to all. Hopefully, in the coming days I'd be able to write more often than before.

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